Parallel 42’s Freedom Fox and Fox2 Get Updated

Take advantage of new propeller physics with the FreedomFox.

Parallel 42’s Freedom Fox and Fox2 Get Updated

Parallel 42’s little fox continues to grow and adapt to new simulator features. Both the Freedom Fox and the Fox2 from the team have been updated to include new features and a new optional propeller simulation.

Starting with the new optional propeller simulation (developed by GotGravel), this is Parallel 42’s way of taking advantage of the new propeller physic changes that were part of Sim Update 8.

What’s great to see is the thought process behind how Parallel 42 tackles issues. This is particularly evident with the propeller physics change. In a post on their Medium blog, Edson speaks about the ripple effect of having new features in the simulator. Whilst it’s exciting to take advantage of the latest technology as quickly as possible, there are plenty of considerations that need to be thought through before being implemented for the wider customer base. This is exactly why the propeller system is optional and each user can customise the ‘Fox to their own needs. You can read the full blog post on the exact thought process here.

The new propeller system isn’t the only thing to have changed with the past few updates from Parallel 42. You can now select/display/hide the copilot, along with resetting the door if you accidentally blow it off (or just want to do it again, and again, and again…). Some of the airports included in the package saw some minor updates that adjusted ICAO codes along with some LOD issues.

Version 2022.13.2.21 also saw new company branding decals added to the propellers on both stock aircraft. Finally, the most recent update added enhanced control-binding options. You can learn more about those bindings over on the Parallel 42 support page.

If you own the FreedomFox, you can simply open up FreedomFox Mod Manager and update it today.

Finally, we can also confirm that the Freedom Fox is on final for submission to Microsoft to be included on the in-sim Marketplace. I’m sure once P42 knows when this will happen, we’ll be able to tell you.

Parallel 42’s Freedom Fox has seen a range of updates since its release last year such as new interactive checklists, aircraft damage and more.

If seeing the world with the Freedom Fox sounds good to you, then you can buy your own copy through OrbxDirect for $42.00 AUD. Want to learn more? Check out our interview with Edson from Parallel 42 or watch the official trailer.

More From:   Parallel 42
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Calum Martin
Calum has been an avid fan of Flight Sim since the release of FS2000 and has developed his love for aviation ever since.

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