The team over at FlyingIron Simulations has issued a new update for their P-38L Lightning for MSFS. The update, which goes by version number 1.1.2, contains some long requested changes and fixes, such as the gunsight hitbox removal. This change was particularly requested by Xbox users, as the default camera position would rest exactly on this hitbox and thus the pop-up to toggle the gunsight would continuously show.
The update also contains updates and changes for the engine modelling, with more accurate fuel consumption based on historic data and a new setup for the turbo-super chargers. The flight model has also seen plenty of changes, aiming to make the aircraft behave more realistic and improve some of the logic related to flaps, gear and more.
The update is available right now through the FlyingIron Simulations website. If you do not yet own this classic warbird, you can pick it up for $45 AUD.

- Cockpit
- Improved interaction and tooltips for the throttle, propeller and mixture levers
- Sharper cockpit shadows
- Removed gunsight hitbox (gunsight can be toggled via the tablet)
- Flight Model
- Improved overall stability setup and tuning
- Improved flap setup and re-tuning
- Yoke input / control surface reactivity tuning
- Improved compressibility logic (starts at Mach 0.68 / correct for all altitudes)
- New dynamic extended / retracted gear CG simulation (gear extended moves CG 3.5% more forward)
- Retuned suspension
- Slower more realistic flap handle movement
- More effective maneuvering flap (8 deg)
- Engines
- New setup for the turbo-super chargers (performance now matches actual data charts)
- Historically accurate fuel consumption for the entire RPM/MP range
- Propellers
- Feathered propellers now come to a full stop
- New setup with improved torque simulation
- Tablet
- Workshop tab data persistence fixed
- Others
- Assistance HUD now displays deployed flaps in degrees properly
- Manual power chart reference table updated