Clarifies Situation with Website Feedback, Creator’s Program, and More

The freeware site has responded to the situation with RW Profiles with a lengthy statement outlining their position. Clarifies Situation with Website Feedback, Creator’s Program, and More

We previously posted on how RW Profiles has decided to cut ties with over multiple concerns. Those concerns include the newly designed website and how creators would be compensated through the Creator’s Program. has now clarified its stance on multiple elements in a document sent to us earlier today.

To ensure that no context or accuracy is lost, we are sharing their full statement as-is below.


Creator’s Program

Our Creators Program is still very much in the pipeline. We have always strived to be a platform that supports creators. Progress can sometimes be slower than we’d like, but rest assured, we’re committed to delivering on our promises. Noone ever said that the Creators Program wouldn’t come: In this particular case, the legal side of implementing our Creators Programme has proven to be more complex than anticipated, but we are working on getting the requirements aligned, which takes time.

Terms of Service

We’d like to make it clear that what was labelled “ToS drama” was in fact a misrepresentation and steer-up by a minority of people with no legal knowledge. In fact, our terms are more transparent and less demanding than any other mod related platform existing out there, including esteemed ones like NexusMods, 5Mods and, which we have demonstrated several times (Twitter). In any case, there has been absolutely no change for creators and users using the paltform besides of the theoretical changes of a legal nature anyway.

Website Redesign

Feedback is the lifeblood of any service-oriented platform. Postredesign, we’ve actively collected feedback through our dedicated platform and have gathered over 900+ pieces of valuable input, implementing more than 200 changes based on them; and a lot of more still in the pipeline. We can’t and don’t expect all users to like the design, because design is a matter of taste, but we can work together to find a compromise that satisfies everyone to some degree.

GSX Profile Thumbnails

The recent changes were a result of a website display error and were never meant to be a permanent feature. Our intention was to simplify the process for creators by eliminating the thumbnail requirement for GSX Profiles, given the often generic nature of GSX Profile thumbnails. If a creator chose not to upload a thumbnail (we would rather have no thumbnail than a nonsense thumbnail), the system would fall back to our default thumbnail. There was a bug in the code that caused this misbehaviour for only a few hours.

Premium Earnings

Our premium service earnings are primarily utilized to cover the bills of our servers and maintain our download servers.

Engagement with Creators

Open dialogue has always been our forte. We are always eager to find solutions that benefit our creators and provide users with a unified solution, preventing a scatter across multiple discord platforms, which would be a disservice to the community. RW Profiles’ decision to move away from our platform is regrettable and somewhat surprising. Our support and communication channcels are always open, especially for creators. We believe that the best solutions arise from collaborative dialogue, and unfortunately, we weren’t afforded the opportunity to engage with them directly before this decision was made. We stand by our position as a neutral platform, dedicated to both creators and users. Removing content from does not harm, but it does harm thousands of virtual pilots who are looking for new content and need to dig into Discord servers to find them.

It’s worth noting that as much as we are defenders of our platform, we’re also advocates for growth and development. We recognize our areas of improvement and are ceaselessly working on them. Let’s focus on unity, collaboration, and the shared passion that brings us all here: the love for flight simulation.


Should we hear anything else on the matter, we will report on it.

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Calum Martin
Calum has been an avid fan of Flight Sim since the release of FS2000 and has developed his love for aviation ever since.

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