Miltech Simulations, known for several aircraft carrier add-ons, as well as their MV-22B Osprey for MSFS, has announced a new carrier add-on package. Their upcoming Supercarrier Pro will include highly detailed renditions of several ships: the Ford-class CVN-78, the Nimitz-class CVN-76 as well as Arleigh-Burke class destroyers and Ticonderoga-class cruisers.
The Supercarriers Pro package will include both static and moving ships, with a total of 14 moving locations and 12 static ones. The carriers come fully featured, allowing you to perform catapult launches and landings using the arrestor cables. The carriers also feature a working FLOLS and LRLS system, allowing you to follow the Ball upon approach. Your landing will also be monitored by a LSO, giving you call-outs and feedback on your approach. Furthermore, the carriers feature an animated crew, jet blast deflectors and elevators. The elevators even allow you to take your aircraft into the ship’s hangar.
Miltech Simulations’ Supercarrier Pro will release on September 14th on their own website and Orbx Direct. The MSFS Marketplace will follow at a later date. The package will be fully Xbox compatible. The team has already announced a roadmap for the add-on too, which will see the addition of US Historical ships and the French carrier Charles de Gaulle.