Flight Replicas Spitfire Development Update

Flight Replicas release new screenshots of their Spitfire with news that product testing is imminent.

Posted: 30-Aug-2023 @ 01:21z
Flight Replicas Spitfire Development Update

Flight Replicas announced on Facebook that their Mk. 1a Spitfire is almost complete, with the expectation that it will be out for testing next week. Additionally, they released some additional screenshots highlighting their efforts in recreating this historic aircraft which includes the pilot model, equipped with RAF Mk.III flying goggles and Type D. oxygen masks.

As discussed in a previous article, Flight Replicas unfortunately plan not to create a custom soundset, instead relying on the default Reno P-51 soundset like their P-40N. However, the screenshots teased in this latest development update ought to be interesting to history buffs who are itching to have a Mk. 1a variant in their hangar.

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Joël Bobe
Joël has been an aviation fan for as long as he can remember and a flight sim fan since the early days of FSX. An accountant by day and simmer by night, there's nothing he finds more exciting than the bright future of flight simulation.

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