Cockspur Releases The C162 Skycatcher

Cessna’s first and only Light Sport Aircraft is now available for MSFS…

Cockspur Releases The C162 Skycatcher

Following the surprise reveal last week, Cockspur has released their C162 Skycatcher on the Microsoft Flight Sim Marketplace for PC and Xbox. The Skycatcher joins Cockspur’s diverse lineup which includes the Citation Mustang light business jet, A22 ultralight, and SG38 glider.

Cockspur C162

First introduced to the aviation world in 2006, the Skycatcher is an American light-sport aircraft (LSA) that was designed and produced by Cessna between 2009 and 2013. It was intended primarily for the flight training market and equipped for day and night VFR flying only. Production aircraft were powered by a 100 hp Continental O-200-D engine and delivered with a Garmin G300 EFIS, SL40 comm radio, a GTX327 transponder, and a 121.5 MHz ELT. Cockspur’s C162 utilizes a modified version of the MSFS default G3X avionics package designed to be a close approximation of the G300.

Cockspur states that the aircraft was developed in close collaboration with real-world pilots. Thanks to this collaboration, the Skycatcher features a highly accurate and realistic flight model as well as accurate systems modeling. Two variants, one with wheel fairings and one without, are included as well as 12 liveries based on the entire fleet from Rainier Flight Service, the world’s largest operator of Skycatchers. Two blank liveries are included for repainters.

You can pick up your copy of the Skycatcher via or the MSFS Marketplace. Pricing is set at 19,99 € or 19.99 USD.

More From:   Cockspur
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Trevor Bair
Flight simming since the early 1990s, Trevor has accumulated countless hours across many different platforms, most recently MSFS and X-Plane. He is also a commercial, multi-engine, instrument-rated pilot who lives with his family in Colorado, USA.

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