Cockspur Releases PH100 Phenom for MSFS

The light bizjet is ready to take to the virtual skies…

Cockspur Releases PH100 Phenom for MSFS

After revealing the project just last month, Cockspur has released their PH100 business jet for Microsoft Flight Simulator. Based on the Phenom 100 from Brazilian aircraft manufacturer Embraer, the popular very light jet (VLJ) joins the C510 Mustang in the Cockspur business jet lineup. 

The PH100 Phenom features a 4-place executive interior, a Garmin G1000-based flight deck with SimBrief and Navigraph charts plugin integration, as well as custom FADEC simulation. The PH100 also includes multiple liveries based on real-world paint schemes, luggage and passenger visibility configurable via simulator weight & balance settings. Elements such as wheel chocks, covers, and even a custom ground power unit (GPU) can be toggled when the aircraft is parked on the ground. The real Phenom has a range of 1,160 nautical miles (2,148 km) and Cockspur’s beta team reports that in-game performance is very close to matching real-world “book numbers”.

Cockspur has designed the aircraft to be a complete experience with realistic-looking 3D models, detailed texturing, and an accurate flight model. There is also a dynamic range of system depth included, from avionics to engine management, which will keep you busy as you fly.

The Cockspur PH100 is available now from the developer’s webshop for 26,99€. Marketplace availability for PC and Xbox is planned soon after launch.

    More From:   Cockspur
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    Trevor Bair
    Flight simming since the early 1990s, Trevor has accumulated countless hours across many different platforms, most recently MSFS and X-Plane. He is also a commercial, multi-engine, instrument-rated pilot who lives with his family in Colorado, USA.

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