Parallel 42 Releases Campout, Bush Plane Campout and Mount Patterson Camps

Go camping in MSFS with Parallel 42’s latest simulator additions.

Posted: 24-Aug-2022 @ 18:59z
Updated: 23-Mar-2023 @ 21:23z
Parallel 42 Releases Campout, Bush Plane Campout and Mount Patterson Camps

Parallel 42 brings some exciting new add-ons to Microsoft Flight Simulator. Campout allows you to set up camp and ‘build a scenery’ for those moments you might not necessarily be spending inside your aircraft. Bush Plane Campout and Mount Patterson Camps on the other hand add new landing areas in California.


Campout allows you to exit your plane and set up camp. Quite literally. The utility tool allows you to build a custom camp near your plane where you can sleep, eat, drink and relax around an atmospheric campfire. You can set up camp anywhere in the simulator, and through a clever system of ‘Eco Points’ and persistence, you’re encouraged to clean up after yourself once you’re ready to get back in the air. Not only that, but you can share your custom camping spots with friends and all fly into them together. Bush Plane Campouts is available for $24.99 via Orbx Direct and soon via the MSFS Marketplace.

Bush Plane Campout

Bush Place Campout is a small private strip in Red Bluff, California. The strip often hosts bush pilots for overnight campouts, something that is now also available in the simulator. Bush Plane Campout is a smaller ‘scene’, as opposed to regular sceneries that have al larger coverage area. The scene is an excellent addition to try out with the above mentioned Campout to set up your own camp, but will also work as a standalone without the utility. Bush Plane Campout is available for $7.99 via Orbx Direct and soon via the MSFS Marketplace. If you already own the FreedomFox/Fox 2 Complete Package, this scene is available for free.

Mount Patterson Camps

This scenery adds three new landing areas to your simulator: 42MW Mars with Flowers, 42MP Mount Patterson Peak and 42MM Montague Mine Stone Cabin. These so called ‘scenes’ by //42 apparently have a bit of a smaller footprint than your regular scenery. However, the team has still done their best to make these locations flying into. You can expect accurately recreated markers and flags, custom ground textures and terraforming to make the region more accurate to the real world. Parallel 42 Mount Patterson Camps is now available for $4.99 via Orbx Direct or the MSFS Marketplace. If you already own the FreedomFox/Fox 2 Complete Package, this scene is available for free.

More From:   Parallel 42
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