[Now Available] Orbx Announces S43 Harvey & W16 Monroe Combo Pack for MSFS

Two classics are being given the modern take for the new simulator.

[Now Available] Orbx Announces S43 Harvey & W16 Monroe Combo Pack for MSFS

Update 28th July 2023 @ 11:45z: Orbx has now released the scenery package through their store. It will cost you $24.84 AUD (plus taxes) for both scenery products in a single package. Click here to go to OrbxDirect.

Orbx is seemingly going back to its roots with its upcoming release for Microsoft Flight Simulator. The team is hard at work on bringing both S43 Harvey & W16 Monroe to the simulator in a single product pack.

Developed by Andrea Hegi, this back brings back two Prepar3D/FSX classics to Microsoft Flight Simulator. The updated version of these airports includes full PBR ultra HD texturing, along with detailed modelling and finer details that bring the GA airport to life.

Andreas Hegi’s artistic talent that brings both of these bestsellers to Microsoft Flight Simulator.

Orbx Forum

Both of the airfields are located in Snohomish, Washington, with each of them just 5 miles away from one another. It’s a great way to hop into your favourite GA plane and zip between the two airports, whilst discovering the wonderful town down below.

This release follows on from the likes of their Sacramento and Melbourne airports released for Microsoft Flight Simulator earlier this year. Also, check out our interview with Anna from Orbx who tells us a little more about what to expect in the future from the company.


  • Two Prepar3D/FSX classics reborn for MSFS
  • Located on the west coast of the USA
  • Complete dynamic & emissive night lighting
  • Full PBR UHD texturing
  • Incredibly detailed, high-definition rendition
  • Photo-realistic HD textures created from on-site photography to provide the most immersive experience possible
  • Perfect landing challenges for the VFR fliers
  • By Andreas Hegi
More From:   Orbx
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Calum Martin
Calum has been an avid fan of Flight Sim since the release of FS2000 and has developed his love for aviation ever since.

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