FSExpo 2024

Navigraph Updates Charts to Include New Land Cover Details

A fresh new update adds an impressive new feature to Navigraph Charts.

Navigraph Updates Charts to Include New Land Cover Details

A new Navigraph Charts update has dropped that will improve the overall navigation experience. The new update adds additional land cover details to your charts as a new layer, thanks to data from Impact Observatory, Microsoft, and Esri.

The new layers allow you to see such data like forests and glaciers. It’s enabled by default in the VFR map and you can easily toggle it on/off from within the application. The data is a global map of land use and land cover from 2023, obtained from ESA Sentinel-2 imagery at 10-meter resolution. “Every map is a compilation of LULC predictions for nine classes across the entire year, capturing a comprehensive snapshot annually,” Navigtraph said.

Another new layer, called the terminator layer, illustrating day and nighttime on the Mercator map and globe view is also part of this update.

Navigraph Charts is included with the Unlimited Subscription from the team, which you can sign up to here.

Navigraph is no stranger to providing meaningful updates to their products, following on from annotations that was added as recently as March.

More From:   Navigraph
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Calum Martin
Calum has been an avid fan of Flight Sim since the release of FS2000 and has developed his love for aviation ever since.

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