If you did not know already, we will be hosting a range of developer interviews on our stage during FlightSimExpo 2024. Whilst we have questions prepared already, we thought this would be a great opportunity for our community to ask their very own too.
From those submitted, we’ll take the best or most interesting and pose it to those developers on-stage.
We are planning on interviewing the following developers on our stage:
- Yawman
- SayIntentions.AI
- Navigraph
- BlueBird Simulations
- FlightSim Studio AG
- Thrustmaster
- Flightbeam Studios
- X-Plane
- Aerosoft
- AviaPlanner
You are welcome to send any questions you like to us in our Google Form.
Please do not submit your question in the comment section, please use the above form.
We will do our best to ask questions on your behalf, but we cannot guarantee we will. Equally, if we get a lot of the same question from different people, we will do our best to merge them in order to get as many as possible answered.
Please ensure you have submitted your questions by Saturday 15th June 2024.
If you’re there in person, you can watch these interviews live on our Stage.
You can find the schedule below. Or learn more via our FlightSimExpo 2024 Hub Page.