FSExpo 2024

Navigraph Announces New Traffic Sector Overlays

Navigraph has used its slot on the FSExpo main stage this afternoon to announce their latest feature for the Charts App – Traffic Overlays. The new feature, which the team admitted was their “most requested…

Navigraph Announces New Traffic Sector Overlays
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Navigraph has used its slot on the FSExpo main stage this afternoon to announce their latest feature for the Charts App – Traffic Overlays.

The new feature, which the team admitted was their “most requested feature”, will allow users to view ATC sectors on their charts, current VATSIM and IVAO controller connections, and other Navigraph users.

You can also interact with other users by clicking on their aircraft icon, where information about the flight path, aircraft type, altitude and speed is displayed. All pilots that are shown on the map, regardless of whether they are a Navigraph/VATSIM/IVAO user, are displayed with a 1-second refresh rate.

The feature is yet to be released, with more work to be done building the system over the next “couple of months” according to the on-stage team, however, some of the ongoing work includes breaking up the displayed VATSIM sectors so that if (for example) you are flying into London and there are 3 London controllers online, you will know which of those 3 you are supposed to contact without making a guess.

Towards the end of the presentation, a vertical profile feature was also alluded to briefly – although few details were shared on this other than that it was something the team is working on. This new feature would be able to display the vertical layout of ATC sectors, so that the user is able to know where they can fly beneath controlled airspace if that is an option on their route.

Stay tuned to FSElite for the latest news and updates from FSExpo!

More From:   Navigraph
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Matthew Kiff
Matt only discovered his love of flight sim with MSFS 2020, but has since made a career in aviation. As well as contributing to FSElite, he works as a flight data analyst, aiding pilots and operators worldwide in improving their flight safety.

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