M. A. RealTurb has brought their RealVolMet Europe add-on to Microsoft Flight Simulator. RealVolMet Europe v2 adds European VHF VolMet stations to the simulator. VolMet stations are weather stations that give you the weather information for several airports in the station’s vicinity. VolMet stations are currently missing from MSFS altogether.
The VolMet stations have their real life naming, frequency and accurate airports contained in the VolMet in the station. The stations give accurate weather readings of the real weather in the simulator. M. A. RealTurb has been able to achieve this with a powerful, custom METAR decoder. The add-on also contains a user friendly interface in which you can monitor stations and their active weather, request METAR, voice generate weather reports and more.
RealVolMet Europe v2 is available for €14,99 from SimMarket. Customers that have previously purchased RealVolMet v2 Europe for Prepar3D (v4-v5) are eligible for an upgrade price of €7,50.