Over on Facebook, LatinVFR has shared some new previews for its upcoming A340 for Microsoft Flight Simulator. They also confirmed that their aim is release the four-engined aircraft later this month (April 2024).
The new previews are from the external and also the cockpit. The cockpit has had to see various changes due to the fact this aircraft comes with four engines, compared to the A330 dual engines. The team said that this will be a mid-level product, giving you the chance to fly A-B using standard systems.

The A340-300 is one of the smaller versions of the aircraft and was designed in tandem of the A330 as a way to enable airlines to operate in extended operations in areas that didn’t have suitable airfields. This was before ETOPS become as widespread and as reliable as it is today. The A340 saw plenty of operators fly the aircraft to various locations around the world.
The team said that they are hoping to release more information on the plane in the net few days. They also said they are hoping to have it in your simulators later this month.