Just Flight Releases Fokker F28 Professional for MSFS

Of steam gauges and air brakes

Posted: 12-Jul-2023 @ 22:49z

Attention all vintage airliner enthusiasts! Just Flight has released their version of the renowned Dutch commuter workhorse, the Fokker F28 “Fellowship” for MSFS.

The Fokker F28 “Fellowship” is a Dutch-manufactured short-range commuter aircraft. It was first introduced in 1965 and originally served as the successor to the then-popular Fokker F27 “Friendship” turboprop airliner. The Fokker F28 “Fellowship” was developed to meet British European Airways’ need for a high-speed regional airliner powered by turbojet engines. The project involved manufacturers MBB, VFW-Fokker, and the Short Brothers.

The final aircraft has a sleek, low-wing design with twin rear-mounted engines and fixed leading edges. Its unique T-tail configuration, where the horizontal stabilizer is mounted on top of the vertical fin, increases its aerodynamic efficiency. Together with its wing design, it allows the aircraft to operate from most airports already served by its sibling, the Fokker F27 “Friendship”. One notable feature that sets the Fokker F28 apart from the competition is its movable split-sections installed on the tail cone, which function as a variable air brake, enabling the aircraft to slow down on approach.

After much anticipation, it is finally time to take this nostalgic airliner for a spin. Just Flight, the renowned classic airliner developer, has released their version of this iconic Dutch airliner for MSFS, which you can now try out. The virtual recreation of the aircraft by Just Flight includes four different variants of the iconic airframe including, with each variant featuring a model-specific flight dynamic characteristics:

  • Mk1000, featuring a maximum capacity of 70 passengers
  • Mk2000, featuring a stretched fuselage and accommodating up to 79 passengers
  • Mk3000, featuring a wing span extension
  • Mk4000, featuring a further fuselage extension and accommodating up to 85 passengers

Just Flight had access to real-world Fokker F28 models when modelling the aircraft, resulting in a highly accurate external and interior recreation of the plane. The model features 4k textures and accurate animations throughout, as well as custom ground service equipment and optional equipment, such as an engine hush kit and HF antennas.

The cockpit has been meticulously recreated and features fully functional traditional steam gauges, buttons, and knobs, as well as a modern multi-function tablet that allows you to adjust various aircraft states, weight configurations, and optional equipment. For those who appreciate the beauty of the aircraft but are not confident enough to use VOR/DME navigation, an optional Garmin GNS530 GPS system is also available.

Finally, the developer has also included a wide variety of liveries covering 31 different global operators for you to enjoy, and enabling you to take your Fokker for a spin across all four corners of the globe.

If you want to add the iconic Fokker F28 “Fellowship” to your hangar collection, then head over to the Just Flight online store page where you can buy the iconic twin-engine regional jet for £52.49, subject to local taxes.

To get you started right away, Just Flight has also published a series of educational tutorial videos linked here. Definitely check them out before attempting to start your Rolls-Royce Spey Mk 555 engines.

More From:   Just Flight
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Yannick Noesen
Yannick has always been an avid aviation enthusiast and he started out simming back in 2002 at the young age of 5 with FS2002. Ever since he has continued pursuing flight simulation as a hobby with the eventual goal of also making aviation his career. While Yannick currently primarily uses X-Plane 11 and Prepar3D, FS2020 and DCS have not skipped his radar.

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