IndiaFoxEcho Provides Development Update on Tornado

IndiaFoxtEcho’s Tornado is progressing, but work remains to be done.

IndiaFoxEcho Provides Development Update on Tornado

Popular military aircraft developer IndiaFoxtEcho has provided a development update on their upcoming Tornado for MSFS. The update states that development is proceeding at an on-going pace, and an Alpha build has been delivered to testers. Despite this, the project has run into some delays that they are working on making up as development proceeds.

The exterior model is “99,9% complete”, according to the developer. The final 0,1% are details that need some improvement, but other than that the exterior model should be ready. The same goes for the modelling of the cockpit, that, bar for some minor details, is also complete.

More work remains to be done in the flight model and systems development though. While a first iteration of the flight model is now done, it stands to reason that the developer still needs to make adjustments to this. Similarly, the aircraft systems, though partly working already, are still lacking some features and need more refinement.

The sounds also require more work, as the recordings from real-world aircraft need to be mixed, and the cockpit sounds need yet to be added.

Despite all the work that remains yet to be done, IndiaFoxtEcho did share that a Beta build could be available as soon as the end of the month, with a public release hopefully by the end of February. Having that said, these are estimates and are subject to change.

More From:   IndiaFoxtEcho Visual Simulations
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