iFly Teases 737 MAX for MSFS

iFly’s 737 MAX gets its first MSFS preview.

Posted: 05-Dec-2023 @ 08:57z
iFly Teases 737 MAX for MSFS

iFly has shared a small teaser of their upcoming 737 MAX for MSFS. The teaser, which was shared over on their forums, so far only reveals a small portion of the plane, as it shows the landing gear.

A lot of details can be made out from the single teaser image. The gear strut is modelled with a lot of detail, and you can clearly see cables, bolts and other parts that comprise the gear. The wheel itself is shown off as well, with clearly visible wheel groves and a detailed looking wheel rim.

The team notes that this picture has been taken several months ago and has evolved a lot since then. The team particularly wanted to share the level of fidelity they’re aiming for with their 737 MAX for MSFS. Furthermore, though iFly hopes to share more previews of the aircraft soon that show off greater detail, the release of the aircraft is still “a number of months away”.

More From:   iFly
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