FSDreamTeam Updates GSX Pro on MSFS

A new update for GSX has landed and has a big focus on cargo operations.

FSDreamTeam Updates GSX Pro on MSFS

FSDreamTeam has released a pretty large update for GSX Pro on Microsoft Flight Simulator.

The new update has some new features and fixes that fans have been key to get since it was released. In particular, cargo seems to have had a lot of attention with this update. One of the new updates shows packages being loaded with a conveyor belt instead of luggage when a specific aircraft doesn’t use ULDs. Another new feature is the addition of new handling operators such as United Greound Express, Altitude Island Logistics and Sagat.

In terms of fixes, there are some exceptions to prevent support of ground vehicles with MK-Studios products, a fix with PMDG integration when there’s no saved configuration, and also some changes to the GSX characters so that they appear less shiny. A full list of changes are down below.

There are some minor fixes for the original GSX on FSX/P3D.

You can get your own copy of GSX Pro from their website for $29.99.

  • GSX PRO New: Cargo Airplanes that don’t use ULDs, will now show Packages being loaded with the Conveyor Belt loader, instead of Luggage.
  • GSX PRO Change: Skin textures for some GSX Crew characters tweaked to appear less shiny.
  • GSX Pro Change: The PMDG integration will not set Payload or Fuel automatically if the existing value is already very close (within 10 kg) of the planned quantity on Simbrief.
  • GSX Pro Fix: PMDG integration will default to Imperial Units, to prevent conversion error from Simbrief planned Payload/Fuel, when no saved configuration for that loaded airframe is found.
  • GSX (FSX/P3D) Fix: Airplane stuck with simulation Disabled at the end of a Pushback when using a Towbarless tug with the “Pushback Raise” option enabled in the airplane profile.
  • GSX Pro Fix: Added exception to prevent removal of support ground vehicles in MK Studios airplanes.
  • GSX Pro Change: Some optimizations in VGDS text displays to improve responsivity.
  • GSX PRO New: The “UPS man” character used at Cargo Stands in FSDT KSDF has been remade from scratch for MSFS, replacing the previous version which was converted from FSX/P3D. An update to the airport will follow up to make the feature fully usable as it was in the FSX/P3D version.
  • GSX PRO New: Added SWS PC12 to GSX Internal Airplane Database.
  • GSX (all versions) NEW: Added the following Handling operators: VIAGS Handling (Vietnam), Thai Lion Air, BAGS (Thailand), Uplift Aviation Services, Romanian Airport Services, GlobeGround (Romania), LGS Handling (Cyprus), United Ground Express, Flight Services & Systems, United 1970/1990/2000 (USA), Leipzig-Halle Airport (Germany), Corporate Air, Altitude Island Logistics (Australia), UAB Handelshus (Lithuania), Roscosmos (Russia), Sagat (Italy).
  • GSX (all versions) NEW: Added the following Catering operators: Airo Catering Services Lietuva (Lithuania), Cabin Services Australia, Air Gourmet Hellas (Greece).
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Calum Martin
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