FSExpo 2024

France VFR Releases South-West VFR Airports for MSFS

Touring GA pilots can now enjoy 32 airports and airfields in the south-west of France.

France VFR Releases South-West VFR Airports for MSFS

Grab your kneeboard, don your sunglasses and say ‘Bon voyage’ as you whisk yourself away to the virtual skies of south-west France.

Developer France VFR has released their latest scenery bundle, this time bringing France’s south-west region to life with their collection of VFR airfields.

The package comes with 32 airports and airfields to choose from, with photorealistic buildings, ground textures and markings, giving touring pilots a fantastic opportunity to see some of the wonderful sights in Microsoft Flight Simulator.

France VFR Releases South-West VFR Airports for MSFS
France VFR Releases South-West VFR Airports for MSFS

Of the 32 locations, 28 are enhanced airports and airfields with photorealistic 3D modelling and 4 are large military airports with photorealistic ground textures.

But be sure to keep your VFR charts handy, as the scenery even comes with a network of high voltage electrical pylons, and if you’re really really lost, dip down low to see the almost 15,000 traffic signs on the entire main road network!

You can purchase France VFR South-West VFR Airports for MSFS from their website for €39.90.

    More From:   France VFR
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    Jordan Webb
    Having grown up a stone's throw away from Manchester Airport, Jordan had no choice but to love aviation and all things planes. With the help of flight simulators, namely FSX and more recently Xplane 11, he eventually muddled his way to sitting behind the controls of the real thing on a daily basis.

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