FSExpo 2024

FlightFX Shares New Challenger and Citation X Previews

Development continues on two upcoming bizjets for MSFS.

FlightFX Shares New Challenger and Citation X Previews

FlightFX has dropped a bunch of new previews of their upcoming Bombardier Challenger 3500 and Cessna Citation X on their Discord Server.

The new previews were simply captioned “Did someone say detail?”, and show varying aspects of the two aircraft.

The Citation X has been public knowledge and in development for longer than the Challenger, so it’s not a surprise to see these screenshots of the cabin depicting the plane in a greater state of completeness than those we get for the Challenger. Needless to say on the C750 side of things, the detailing within the passenger cabin is coming along very nicely. The cockpit too appears to be most of the way there with a lot of the Honeywell avionics working as expected. Users familiar with the stock Citation CJ4 in MSFS will already be familiar with a lot of these.

The screenshots we get for the Challenger outline that modelling work is still ongoing. These screenshots specifically focus on the nose gear and wheel bay, showing some of the details that have been accomplished within the 3D model before any textures are applied.

No further information on the development of either project was offered in the update, but FSElite will bring you details when we have them!

More From:   FlightFX
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Matthew Kiff
Matt only discovered his love of flight sim with MSFS 2020, but has since made a career in aviation. As well as contributing to FSElite, he works as a flight data analyst, aiding pilots and operators worldwide in improving their flight safety.

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