Carenado Showcasing the PC-12 for Microsoft Flight Simulator

New previews for Carenado’s PC-12 are here.

Carenado Showcasing the PC-12 for Microsoft Flight Simulator

Carenado doesn’t sit still for long as they’re already gearing up to release their PC-12 for Microsoft Flight Simulator. Over on Facebook, the team gave us a detailed look at some of the internal and external modelling for this single-engined executive turboprop.

The modelling and texture work looks to be using a lot of techniques to give it a realistic and authentic look. The displays from the cockpit bounce off the glossy wooden cockpit door, whilst leather looks extremely lifelike. There are numerous pictures of the virtual cabin as well, which has been given plenty of attention to detail.

In related Carenado news, the team also confirmed that soon those who use Microsoft Flight Simulator on Xbox will be able to buy aircraft from the Carenado fleet. Whilst the reason for the delay isn’t mentioned, a comment on their Facebook post gives light by saying its, “fleet will be available for Xbox …. please stay tuned!

For now, enjoy these new previews fresh from their Facebook page. You can also view plenty more external shots here.

It’s also good to note that SimWorks Studios are also working on a Pilatus PC-12 for Microsoft Flight Simulator.

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Calum Martin
Calum has been an avid fan of Flight Sim since the release of FS2000 and has developed his love for aviation ever since.

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