Carenado continues to bring new aircraft to Microsoft Flight Simulator, with one of their next ones being the Pilatus PC-12. On Facebook, the team shared a range of images and confirmed that it will be released very soon.

Carenado isn’t the only developer to be working on the Pilatus PC-12, as SimWorks Studios also confirmed they will be releasing their own version this year. This will give simmers the choice about which developer they want to have their PC-12 fix from. Based on the information we have though, it would appear that Carenado will beat SimWorks Studios with their release first.
Although no release date was set by Carenado, it will be coming out soon. “The wait is almost over, PC12 approaching,” the team confirmed on Facebook.
When it does release, no doubt Carenado will keep this exclusively on the in-sim Marketplace. We’ll be sure to let you know when the Carenado Pilatus PC-12 does get released.