Scenery developer Boundless has released a new airport on X-Plane 11 and X-Plane 12. This time, the team ventures to Paris for their newest release: Paris Vatry Airport (LFOK).
Despite having Paris in its name, it is actually 135km away from the French city itself. Despite the distance, it sees plenty of traffic from low-cost operator Ryanair and a range of business and private jets. Cargo also sees plenty of traffic to and from the airport.

Some of the features included with the product are fully 4K PBR textures, dynamic lighting, volumetric grass and detailed 3D trees. The airport itself has been carefully recreated using the latest tech nology and has accurate ground markings with modelled cracks/wear and tear. It has been designed based on the layout of the airport as of 2023 and also has thousands of objects placed across the airport.
You can buy it now from Boundless’ website form £11.99 (plus any applicable taxes).
- Up to date HD Ortho imagery
- Fully 4K PBR terminal and airport buildings
- Custom HD forests and vegetation
- 3D volumetric Grass
- 3D trees (FPS friendly)
- HD custom clutter objects (roadsigns, streetlights etc)
- 3D People at selected locations
- Custom HD PBR vehicles (airside and landside)
- Accurate layout as of 2023
- Optional HD PBR static aircraft (FPS Friendly)
- Fully custom dynamic lighting reflecting real world lighting tones
- 4K PBR ground textures
- Dynamic weather effects (XP12 only)
- Fully accurate ground markings – including accurately modelled cracks / wear & tear
- Thousands of accurately placed objects and textures
- Full Traffic Global compatibility
- Fully accurate airport layout referenced from latest charts