BMA releases Trieste International Airport for MSFS

Trieste International Airport is now available for Microsoft Flight Simulator.

BMA releases Trieste International Airport for MSFS

Scenery developer Barelli MSFS Addons has released Trieste International Airport (LIPQ) for Microsoft Flight Simulator.

Trieste International Airport, officially known as Aeroporto Friuli-Venezia Giulia is an international airport located 18 miles northwest of the city of Trieste in northeastern Italy. The airport is currently served by a handful of airlines with around 12 destinations. Ryanair currently offers the most flights to and from Trieste.

Barelli MSFS Addons rendition includes a fully modelled representation of the terminal and surrounding buildings, high-quality texturing, updated taxiways, ground markings and landmarks including the Memorial of Redipuglia, Fortress of Monfalcone, Castle of Duino, Basilica of Aquileia and Cerje Peace Monument.

You can purchase Trieste International Airport from SimMarket for €18.87 (Excluding VAT). You can also purchase for a lower price without the landmarks for €13.90 (Excluding VAT) here.

More From:   Barelli MSFS Addons
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Matt Ashwood
Matt discovered his passion for aviation and flight simulation over 20 years ago with FS98, continuing all the way to Microsoft Flight Simulator. In addition to his role at FSElite, Matt is a freelance designer, digital marketer and social media manager.

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