AmSim Madeira Receives Update

Latest 1.4 update for popular scenery adds improved approach lights, fire station, and bug fixes.

AmSim Madeira Receives Update

AmSim’s Madeira Airport (LPMA) for Microsoft Flight Simulator launched about 16 months ago now, but the developer has been hard at work bringing the scenery into line with the increasingly high standard for airport sceneries in the world’s most popular home flight simulator.

The latest v1.4 update sees the product get a new LDIN or lead-in lighting system for runway 05. This is a system which is often used in supplement to existing approach markers consisting of one or more strobing lights which guide the aircraft down on the correct lateral path, and are used primarily when background lighting or terrain prevents runway identification.

LDIN systems also feature famously at New York’s JFK Airport where they assist pilots flying the famed Canarsie approach.

In addition, the Approach Lighting System (ASL) has been added to runway 05 and the existing system on runway 23 has been improved.

Finally, a new fire station building has been added near Taxiway B and some minor bugs relating to ground traffic have been patched out.

Those familiar with Madeira Airport will immediately recognise it for it’s complex visual approaches and highly-variable weather conditions, making it a visually spectacular but highly challenging approach well cemented as a fan favourite among flight simmers.

Madeira Airport is also included in the base package of Microsoft Flight Simulator as a ‘hand crafted’ airport, and while this scenery is certainly better than an autogen offering, it definitely looks pretty dated by the standards set from scenery developers in 2023.

You can pick up AmSim’s rendition of Madeira Airport for MSFS through the Orbx store here. A full changelog is available below.


  • Added LDIN (Lead In Light System) for RW 05
  • Improved terrain mesh
  • Added ASL to RW 05
  • Improved ASL for RW23
  • Added Fire Station Building near Taxiway B
  • Fixed bugs with ground traffic. (Not using the taxiways)
More From:   AmSim
Matthew Kiff
Matt only discovered his love of flight sim with MSFS 2020, but has since made a career in aviation. As well as contributing to FSElite, he works as a flight data analyst, aiding pilots and operators worldwide in improving their flight safety.

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