GEES 2.0 Released for MSFS

Become a pro with the newly released landing tool.

Posted: 29-Jan-2024 @ 23:11z

If you are looking for a flight sim tool that will give you landing analysis, then GEES 2.0 could be for you. This new version of the tool gives you detailed insight into your landings so you can improve your ability the next time.

The monitor includes landing rate information, G-Force information, along with data on sideslip and bank when you touch down. It will also give you visual information to help you get a better understanding of whether you hit the threshold or overshot massively. All of this data is natively shown in the simulator via a new menu.

You will also be able to take advantage of the instant replay that GEES 2.0 offers. Watch your landing back and see how you did. Furthermore, you can see how your past flights did with the built-in history viewer.

You can buy the GEES 2.0 tool from SIMMARKET for €6.99.


  • Landing Rate: Did you get a “fifty, twenty, ten… five… come on …” or a “one hundred, fiftytwentytenthump… uh… can you check in the back, if the wings are still attached to the plane?”
  • G-Force: Are the passengers still unsure if you’ve landed, or looking around nervously, wondering “is this how it ends”?
  • Landing Speed: Similar to landing rate, but in a forward direction.
  • Wind Speed and Direction: Did you just land at an untowered airport with a 15kt tailwind?
  • Sideslip and Bank: How are your crosswind landings? Did you manage to keep that poor Cessna straight?
  • Bounces: How many times did you actually land?
  • Landing Location: Did you hit the sweet spot, or end up in the nearby parking lot?
More From:   GEES
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Calum Martin
Calum has been an avid fan of Flight Sim since the release of FS2000 and has developed his love for aviation ever since.

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