Taxi2Gate Products Coming to MSFS

Pointe-à-Pitre coming first, Orlando and Charles de Gaulle to follow.

Taxi2Gate Products Coming to MSFS

Scenery developer Taxi2Gate has silently worked on bringing airports to the world of Microsoft Flight Simulator. The team, known for developing several airports in FSX/P3D, is soon to release Pointe-à-Pitre Airport (TFFR) followed by more afterwards.

On Facebook, the team left a brief statement, but one that was packed of information. We now know that Pointe-à-Pitre Airport (TFFR) will be coming first, whilst Orlando International Airport (KMCO) and Paris’ Charles de Gaulle Airport (LFPG) are on their way to Microsoft Flight Simulator. After that, Taxi2Gate says that they are bringing all their previous products to the platform. This would include the likes of Seattle Airport (KSEA) and Mexico City Airport (MMMX)

Hi guys, we are near to release our first msfs scenery (tffr) and at the same time we are working on kmco and lfpg, next will bring all our previous sceneries, thanks for your support.

Taxi2Gate on Facebook

A few screenshots of Pointe-à-Pitre Airport (TFFR) were also shared on their Facebook page.

We’ll be sure to keep you updated once we learn more from Taxi2Gate.

More From:   Taxi2Gate
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Calum Martin
Calum has been an avid fan of Flight Sim since the release of FS2000 and has developed his love for aviation ever since.

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