Orbx Releases Prague Airport for P3D

Discover Prague in Prepar3D.

Orbx Releases Prague Airport for P3D

Orbx has released its latest airport for Prepar3D. Following on from the Microsoft Flight Simulator version of the airport, Orbx’s Václav Havel Airport (LKPR) is now available for Prepar3D v4 and above.

Vaclav Havel Airport is the main airport serving the city of Prague and the Czech Republic and sees a large amount of regular traffic. In total 50 airlines fly to the airport, serving a total of 120 different destinations around the world.

Orbx has included a large number of features with this rendition of the airport, including high-quality PBR texturing, accurate ground layouts and numerous airport buildings. Furthermore, there is extensive dynamic night lighting, custom groundpoly and the use of SODE jetways.

21 custom POIs are also included and these include examples such as the Motol University Hospital, Hvězda Summer Pavilion, HORNBACH Praha and Šestka shopping stores.

You can buy Prague Airport for Prepar3D v4 and above now from OrbxDirect for $27.26 AUD (US$19.88 | €18,22 | £15.25).

Key Features

  • High-quality rendition of LKPR Prague Airport
  • High-quality PBR textures
  • Current airport layout fully updated with recent real-world changes
  • 21 custom POIs
  • Extensive aerial imagery
  • Custom SODE jetways and GSE
  • Dynamic night lighting
  • Custom groundpoly
More From:   Orbx
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Calum Martin
Calum has been an avid fan of Flight Sim since the release of FS2000 and has developed his love for aviation ever since.

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