MK-Studios Announces Málaga Airport, Teases Montréal and Kangerlussuaq

Is MK-Studios announcing three airports at once?

MK-Studios Announces Málaga Airport, Teases Montréal and Kangerlussuaq

MK-Studios has made a rather remarkable post over on their Facebook page. The team appears to be announcing Málaga Airport (LEMG) for MSFS. The announcement is made via a poll with four options for their next scenery, with all of the options being Málaga. Málaga Airport has long been requested for the simulator by the community. It’s a popular tourist destination and sees a large variety of airlines with both seasonal and continuous operations.

However, the post also includes two previews of airports. These are Montréal-Trudeau International Airport (CYUL), Canada, as well as Kangerlussuaq Airport (BGSF) located in Greenland. The post is a little cryptic, as it does not seem to indicate an announcement of these two projects necessarily. Instead, MK-Studios writes that the pictures are “just to attract attention”. However, the previews appear quite advanced previews of the aforementioned airports, complete with terminal interiors, textures and other details. Oddly enough, the team did not share any previews of Málaga Airport.

More From:   MK Studios
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