Edit (Sept 9, 2022): It appears that Orbx’s Boise Airport has been removed from sale a day or two after this video went live. As of now we have no details as to whether or not the video is the reason behind the removal.
Tom compares the two current payware offerings of Boise Airport/Gowen Field for MSFS. Orbx released their version in June 2022 with Verticalsim releasing around a month after. Whose rendition do you prefer?
Video produced by: Tom’s Planes
If I had to choose one, I would go with the Verticalsim version. While the terminal geometry isn’t exactly correct, the rest of the airport has so much more correct than the Orbx version. Very little attention to detail was put into the ground textures and markings for Orbx and the buildings lack many smaller details or various “clutter” objects included in the Verticalsim product. Orbx did however include static aircraft on the military ramps and corrected more of the flooded river caused by WU10. For the roughly $2 USD more for Verticalsim’s, you get much more detail throughout the airport.