Got Friends Shares More F4F Wildcat Previews, Gunfire Effects

Got Friends previews some of the effects for their upcoming F4F Wildcat.

Posted: 09-Sep-2023 @ 09:52z
Got Friends Shares More F4F Wildcat Previews, Gunfire Effects

It’s been only 2 weeks since we last shared some previews of Got Friends’ upcoming F4F Wildcat, but a lot of new images and videos have appeared since then on the MSFS forums. The previews contain a lot of interior shots, exterior shots and videos showing various features of the aircraft.

One of the previews is a 360 cockpit view, allowing you to look around the cockpit much like you’ll be able to do in MSFS once the plane is released. It allows you to get somewhat familiar with the cockpit instruments already.

There is a video shared by Got Friends showing the start-up flow of the aircraft, and another video is a feature real of the aircraft, showing off some of its features. We get to see the cockpit up close and in detail, and the exterior of the aircraft sports both extra fuel tanks and bombs as a payload, hinting at some of the armament options that will be available for this plane.

Last, but certainly not least, the developer shows some of the effects that will come with the plane, one of which appears to be rather unique and not something we’ve really seen before in MSFS. You can use the guns of the aircraft, and you’ll see actual tracers shoot out. This feature is said to work also with multiplayer, allowing you do see other people’s tracers. This will certainly bring a new dimension to the virtual skies, allowing for more “dogfighting” capabilities. Having that said, the effects are just visual and no damage can be done to other players. The feature is also optional and can be turned off if so desired.

More From:   Got Friends
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