DC Designs F-14 Tomcat Update Adds D-Model

A free update for DC Designs F-14 A/B Tomcat package adds the F-14D model to the aircraft package.

DC Designs F-14 Tomcat Update Adds D-Model

A free update for DC Designs’ F-14 A/B Tomcat package adds the F-14D model to the aircraft package. The F-14D was the final model of the aircraft. It included improved engines, newer digital avionics systems, and newer tactical systems. Despite the D-model being the final version, only a total of 37 new aircraft were built, and an additional 18 F-14A models were converted to D-models.

DC Designs F-14 update, going by version number v1.0.8, also includes several new liveries for both the F-14 A and B models, as well as the new D-model. The developer has also added a tinted windscreen and included several other fixes and improvements.

DC Designs’ F-14 A/B Tomcat v1.0.8 update is available for free and requires a full re-install of the aircraft. If you do not yet own the package, you can pick it up for €24,99 from simMarket.

More From:   DC Designs
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