A2A Brings Comanche 250 to Xbox, Updates for All Users

Xbox simmers can now experience one of the best GA planes made for flight sim.

A2A Brings Comanche 250 to Xbox, Updates for All Users

A2A Simulations has officially released its first aircraft on the Xbox platform for Microsoft Flight Simulator. In the most recent marketplace update, the A2A Simulations Comanche 250 is now available for Xbox, opening up those simmers to one of the most realistic simulations of a GA plane.

In addition to new Xbox support, there has been a new v1.4.7 update available for all other users. The new update improves the engine physics and integrity of the cabin against air leaks for more efficient heating. There have also been some bug fixes with cause vents to not exchange air properly. A new improvement is also seen with the magneto physics so that badly worn mags perform generally worse.

You can download your update right now.

If you are yet to own the Comanche 250, you can pick up a copy through their store for $49.99.


  • Added support for Xbox platform
  • Fixed overstress crash which would occur if view was switched to outside camera following an apron start with cockpit persistence switched off
  • Improved engine physics so very high temperature can cause more rapid cylinder wall deterioration
  • Improved integrity of cabin against air leaks to allow more efficient heating
  • Fixed cabin vent bug which caused vents to not exchange air properly
  • Fixed issue which caused vents to pick up too much ambient wind on the ground
  • Improved magneto physics so badly worn mags will generally perform worse
  • Added new localizations for aircraft description
More From:   A2A Simulations
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Calum Martin
Calum has been an avid fan of Flight Sim since the release of FS2000 and has developed his love for aviation ever since.

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