POLYSTORM3D Releases 787 Realistic Cockpit Texture Pack for MSFS

Handcrafted, 4K-quality cockpit textures might just be what your 787 is missing…

POLYSTORM3D Releases 787 Realistic Cockpit Texture Pack for MSFS

French 3D design studio POLYSTORM3D has released its 787 realistic cockpit texture pack for MSFS. The package contains a set of replacement cockpit textures designed to greatly increase the visual fidelity and realism of the default, Asobo / Working Title AAU2 Boeing 787 cockpit available in the Premium Deluxe Edition of the simulator.

POLYSTORM3D states that all cockpit textures have been handcrafted from scratch at 4K resolution using real-world 787 references to achieve maximum detail. The package is compatible with all current MSFS 787 modifications that use the AAU2/SU13 framework, including the Kuro 787-8.

787 Cockpit Texture Enhancement

The developer states that the textures included with the package have zero impact on framerates and provide fixes for several visual bugs found in the default 787 cockpit. Further, the texture pack is intended to be installed via the ‘community folder’ directory structure which allows users to revert to the default textures at any time, if so desired.

The 787 Realistic Cockpit Texture package is available via simMarket for 11.50 EUR | 9.91 GBP | 12.26 USD

More From:   POLYSTORM3D
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Trevor Bair
Flight simming since the early 1990s, Trevor has accumulated countless hours across many different platforms, most recently MSFS and X-Plane. He is also a commercial, multi-engine, instrument-rated pilot who lives with his family in Colorado, USA.

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