Papa Hotel New Lelystad Airport Previews, Pricing and Publisher Announced

Check out the first proper previews of the upcoming Lelystad Airport for MSFS.

Papa Hotel New Lelystad Airport Previews, Pricing and Publisher Announced

Developer Papa Hotel has announced some new information about their upcoming Lelystad Airport (EHLE) for Microsoft Flight Simulator. This includes brand-new screenshots and also the pricing.

Some of the features confirmed with the airport include high-quality 30cm ortho imagery, interior modelling in the terminal, custom 3D objects, taxi lights and markers. Furthermore, if you use GSX, it will come with a custom profile for the airport.

Papa Hotel confirmed that they intend to update the airport over time with new features. This includes 3D animated people, the ability to open hangars, and also the ability to change the version to what it will look like when the terminal is in use.

Finally, the team confirmed that Lelystad Airport (EHLE) will release via Contrail for 14.95. Sadly no release date was given.

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Calum Martin
Calum has been an avid fan of Flight Sim since the release of FS2000 and has developed his love for aviation ever since.

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