NAVIGATOR by FS Academy is Now Available

Learn advanced VFR flying skills with this new training pack from FS Academy.

NAVIGATOR by FS Academy is Now Available

After an announcement earlier this month, FS Academy’s NAVIGATOR is now available for Microsoft Flight Simulator.

‘NAVIGATOR’ is the team’s new flagship product that will bring 12 new missions to help virtual pilots get all-new VFR navigation skills.

The pack will take virtual pilots on a step-by-step tutorial to help them get to grips with VFR flying. All of the missions have been put together by a real airline captain and made to mirror real-world training for maximum authenticity. A comprehensive 70-page ground school manual will also be made available to accommodate the on-screen objectives and visual markers that will guide pilots through each course.

The NAVIGATOR course will take you through various missions including the ability to fly point to point using visual references below, using the clock to help you navigate between cities and also learn how important a factor wind is with your VFR flight. There are also missions that will help you fly in the darkness, adapt to high-altitude flying and much more.

In total, the 12 missions included are designed to help inexperienced and experienced simmers get to grips with a different type of flying and expand their skills.

FS Academy NAVIGATOR is now out via multiple stores including SIMMARKET, OrbxDirect and Aerosoft. It will soon be coming to Contrail, and Just Flight.

More From:   FS Academy
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Calum Martin
Calum has been an avid fan of Flight Sim since the release of FS2000 and has developed his love for aviation ever since.

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