Infinite Flight Updated to v22.2 – Autobrake, Pushback Trucks and More

All new features for this mobile flight simulator.

Infinite Flight Updated to v22.2 – Autobrake, Pushback Trucks and More

Mobile flight simulator Infinite Flight has been updated, adding new functionality, more 3D airports and addressing a number of bugs present with the app. Perhaps the biggest changes with Infinite Flight is the inclusion of autobraking functionality and also the addition of pushback trucks. Let’s dig a little deeper into Infinite Flight 22.2.


A new feature with Infinite Flight 22.2 is the addition of autobraking for all passenger jets, cargo airliners and also the Lockheed C-130. To help pilots get to grips with the new safety feature in these aircraft types, Infinite Flight has put together a short video explaining it all.

Pushback Trucks

Following the success of 3D buildings in Infinite Flight, pushback trucks were the next requested feature by the community. Infinite Flight themselves said that they would eventually bring the 3D airports to life and the pushback truck is the next step. These animated pushback trucks allow users to be pushed back from the gates easily. Simply request a pushback and the truck will move you in a realistic fashion. Infinite Flight says that the pushback trucks will be updated in the future with the ability to accommodate different airport and aircraft sizes.

New Liveries and Airports

Real-world airline Avelo Airlines contacted Infinite Flight asking if they could add their paint scheme to the 737-800 within Infinite Flight. Of course, the developers obliged and now the livery can be used within the simulator.

In addition to the new Avelo Airlines livery, 40 new 3D airports were also added to Infinite Flight. You can see the full list of those new airports over on the Infinite Flight blog.

Infinite Flight 22.2 is available now for all owners of the application. Some features and aircraft will require you to own an Infinite Flight Pro subscription, which can be purchased from within Infinite Flight itself. If you want to try out Infinite Flight, you can do so from either the Apple App Store or from Google Play.

22.2 Change Log

Full list of 22.2 additions, improvements, and fixes:

In this update, we’ve added 40 new 3D airports, Autobrake, Animated pushback truck, and more!


  • Added autobrake feature to passenger and cargo jets and C130
  • Added animated pushback truck to applicable aircraft when pushing back
  • Added 40 new 3D airports from around the world
  • Added Avelo 737-800 livery


  • 3D airport improvements


  • Daylight Saving Time issues fixed in North America and improved support elsewhere
  • Many app crash issues fixed
  • Bug fixes and performance improvements

More From:   Infinite Flight
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Calum Martin
Calum has been an avid fan of Flight Sim since the release of FS2000 and has developed his love for aviation ever since.

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