FTXDes Previews Eilat Ramon Airport for MSFS

Popular Middle Eastern tourist destination making it’s way to MSFS

Scenery developer FTXDes has recently shared numerous new previews of their upcoming Eilat Ilan and Asaf Ramon Airport (LLER) scenery for MSFS. Initially released for Prepar3D and FSX a couple of years ago, the developer has now undertaken the task of converting the scenery to MSFS, improving upon the previous version and swiftly finalizing the product.

From the shared screenshots, it’s evident that the developer has invested significant effort in creating an authentic portrayal of the airport. Starting with the surrounding area, the scenery will feature custom-made photoreal textures that cover the entire airport vicinity, seamlessly blending in with the surrounding terrain. Moreover, the developer has carefully reconstructed the airport’s main terminal and other buildings using custom-designed 3D models. The terminal, in particular, has been divided into three separate models: one for the terminal’s exterior, another for its interior, and a final one for the terminal’s glass elements.

The scenery is planned to include numerous additional models encompassing the entire airport area. These models will encompass various structures, such as the fuel station located outside the airport, the VOR/LOC antennas situated in the vicinity, utility buildings, and customized ground vehicles like buses and tanker cars. All these objects are designed to feature high-quality textures.

Additionally, the developer has also dedicated considerable effort to crafting a detailed representation of the airport at night. They have implemented custom-created night lighting that illuminates both the exterior and interior areas. Intriguingly, the developer has separated ground and pavement textures to achieve a more dynamic visual effect, allowing the ground textures to react differently during various times of the day and night.

Additionally, the scenery package will include a customized GSX profile featuring walk-in gates and pedestrians moving throughout the terminal area.

The developer has not yet announced a formal release date or disclosed the pricing for their replication of Eilat Ilan and Asaf Ramon Airport (LLER). Presently, the only information available is that the scenery will be accessible through various leading online vendors. Additionally, the developer intends to create a separate proprietary online store specifically for this scenery, aiming to offer it at a reduced price by utilizing royalty savings.

As always, we will keep you informed about any furhter developments regarding this project, including its release. Until then, feel free to jump over to the FSDeveloper forums thread where further information regarding the development status of Eilat Ilan and Asaf Ramon Airport (LLER) for MSFS can be obtained.

More From:   FTXDes
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Yannick Noesen
Yannick has always been an avid aviation enthusiast and he started out simming back in 2002 at the young age of 5 with FS2002. Ever since he has continued pursuing flight simulation as a hobby with the eventual goal of also making aviation his career. While Yannick currently primarily uses X-Plane 11 and Prepar3D, FS2020 and DCS have not skipped his radar.

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