YouTuber AirborneGeek has produced an insightful and helpful video for the upcoming Leonardo Softhouse Fly the Maddog for Microsoft Flight Simulator.
In the hour-long video, we are shown a rundown of how to get the aircraft airborne. With the plane being a little older than modern jets, there’s a lot to take into account. In the video, we learn about the cockpit preparation, using the EFB, utilising the Simbrief flight plane import, programming the FMC and performing various checklists up to the take-off phase of flight.
If you’re eager to get your hands on the aircraft when it releases (Saturday, 30th April), this is a great video to start your learning ahead of time.
Whilst you watch the hour-long video, be sure to enter our GIVEAWAY where you could be one of three lucky winners to have a copy of the Fly the Maddog for FREE. You can find out the details on how to enter here.
For more on the Leonardo Softhouse Fly the Maddog, check out the related posts below.