FSExpo 2024

TAF Studio Preview Hayfork Airport for MSFS

North Californian airstrip nestled in fantastic scenery will be coming soon.

TAF Studio Preview Hayfork Airport for MSFS

North California’s F62 Hayfork Airport, nestled in the beautiful valleys of the west-coast state, is coming to Microsoft Flight Simulator.

TAF Studio’s scenery is billed to come with a plethora of unique attractions and exciting things to do. Home to the Mountain Valley raceway, the scenery comes with the dirt race track and the breathtakingly stunning views of Hayfork Bally’s lookout.

TAF Studio Preview Hayfork Airport for MSFS

A number of short bush strips in the vicinity of Hayfork are also included, meaning pilots can test out their STOL skills!

The main Hayfork airport itself features a rather long runway, at 4100ft-long (1250m) there’s scope for a multitude of aircraft types to visit this stunning airfield.

TAF Studio Preview Hayfork Airport for MSFS

TAF Studio’s scenery will come with 3D tiedown points, animated objects and fully custom 3D buildings modelled after real-life buildings and custom trees and vegetation for improved immersion.

Previewed on the Orbx website, no release date or pricing has been shared at the time of writing, but FSElite will keep you informed when further details are revealed.


  • 2 bush spots with 3 short landing strips
  • Functional hangar door at Hayfork Airport
  • Custom airport charts for Hayfork Airport and Hayfork Bally Bush Strip
  • 3D tiedown points at Hayfork Airport
  • Mountain Valley Raceway for the juice goose
  • A 30-minute juice goose drive up to Hayfork Bally
  • Functional airport gate for the juice goose
  • Fully custom 3d buildings modeled after real-life buildings
  • Custom trees and vegetation for improved immersion
  • Animated objects add extra life to the scenery

More From:   TAF Studio
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Jordan Webb
Having grown up a stone's throw away from Manchester Airport, Jordan had no choice but to love aviation and all things planes. With the help of flight simulators, namely FSX and more recently Xplane 11, he eventually muddled his way to sitting behind the controls of the real thing on a daily basis.

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