Aircraft developer SSG has updated its B 747-8 Inter Anniversary Edition to now include the Cargo variant of the aircraft, along with numerous changes and fixes to the product.
Obviously the biggest change to the product is the inclusion of the cargo model. The Boeing 747-8 is a popular choice amongst cargo carriers due to the space available in the aircraft for transporting products around the world. Whilst the freighters are a great inclusion, SSG also included a huge number of changes and fixes to the product line based on feedback from the community. Starting with the cockpit itself, the aircraft now has the radio with 8.33 kHZ spacing, improved yoke handling whilst in virtual-reality and the fact that step climb values can now be added directly through the scratchpad.
Other notable improvements include a revised speedbrake/spoiler functionality that mimics the aircraft, new liveries and also the inclusion of IAN approaches such as RNAV, VOR and LOC.
Our friends, Flight Brothers FT, has given an extensive video overview on some of the changes, which you can watch above.
The update can be downloaded right now from the store if you already own the product. For those that don’t, you can buy it for $65.00, as it is currently on sale.
Features of Update
- New Freighter model, accessible under “Cargo” in the Main X-Plane Aircraft menu.
- Now incorporating SASL3
- DreamEngine build 0316 to ensure sound works in XP 11.50
- New README file
- New standby magnetic compass modeled on the one in the real aircraft
- More realistic engine fan spool up/spool down animations
- Engine fan windmilling effects are now implemented
- Speedbrake/Spoiler function and logic completely redone to match the real aircraft’s
- Various external model and texture enhancements with corrected and added details (i.e. rivets around APU tailcone area)
- 2 new Boeing liveries
- New wheel chocks that can be placed/removed with the cockpit tablet
- Improved yoke handling in VR
- Cockpit door now opens inward as in the real aircraft
- Yaw damper switches now separated into upper and lower with associated EICAS messages
- COM radios now have 8.33 kHz spacing and will allow tuning frequencies 3 digits after decimal (e.g. 118.015)
- ATC Transponder code entering improved and made more realistic
- GBAS Landing System (GLS) approaches now implemented.
- Integrated Approach Navigation (IAN) Approaches (RNAV, VOR, LOC) are also now implemented.
- Thrust reduction altitude will take entries below 1,000 feet AGL
- Now the selection of the SIDs and STARs are previewed on the ND as white dashed lines, like in the real aircraft.
- VOR and ILS frequencies can now be entered in both XXX.YY and XXXYY format.
- Can now enter any valid VOR frequency.
- FMC step climb values can now be entered directly via the scratchpad.
- Transition altitude is now set for departure and arrival airports automatically reading from the AIRAC database. However, it can be changed later manually.
- Approach speeds are now precomputed for the approach waypoints in the LEGS Page.
- If an AIRAC navigation database is not installed, the FMC will show a message to this effect in the scratchpad.
- Center pedestal CDU now has a screen with sample menu selections, but its features are not implemented in this version.
- Improved electrical isolation on first officer’s displays without AC power.
- Minimum altitude logic improved
- Flight deck door switch implemented
- Hydraulic system logic improved
- Altitude alert logic improved
- Autobrake settings adjusted
- Fuel entries on tablet now allow +/-0.1 ton quantities