Kav Simulations Releases Airbus A3XX EFIS LCD Display

Continue building your very own A320 cockpit with these new components.

Kav Simulations Releases Airbus A3XX EFIS LCD Display

Hardware maker Kav Simulations has released its A3XX EFIS LCD Display. The new display comes hot off the heels of their FCU display, which was released back in May 2023.

This new product replicates the Airbus EFIS display, allowing those building cockpits at home get a realistic display. The product is made from high-quality materials and designed specifically for the A320 family of aircraft.

The unit does come with pin headers pre-soldered for the connection pins, but those on the opposite side are not. These are designed to assist with mounting to a PCB if needed.

Crafted with the highest quality materials, our LCD display is custom designed for the Airbus A320 family of aircraft, providing a realistic and accurate representation of the instrument panel. With intuitive firmware and a sleek design, our display is easy to use and perfect for enhancing your in-flight simulator setup.

Product Page

You can buy yours now from the Kav Simulations website for the special promo price of £34.99 (tax included). This promotional price will last a week before the price will go back to its usual £39.99.

If you want to pick up the FCU unit, you. can check that out in our previous post.

More From:   Kav Simulations
Calum Martin
Calum has been an avid fan of Flight Sim since the release of FS2000 and has developed his love for aviation ever since.
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