Over the weekend, FlyByWire hosted their “In The Hangar” Q&A video which answered community questions and shared the latest progress with both the A32NX modification and the upcoming A380X for Microsoft Flight Simulator.
The biggest surprise from the episode was the progress shots of the A380X. The double-decked aircraft is hotly anticipated amongst the community and the new renders from the development team highlight the progress FlyByWire has so far made. Amongst the previews were close-ups from the Captain’s seat, the FCU, the instrument panel and also the MFD. These previews are still very much a work in progress as it has yet to be textured.
Further to the A380X previews, the team shared two new previews for an update coming to the built-in EFB. The new flyPadOS v2 will include more information on the current route as well a new charts page that integrates with Navigraph and Chartfox.
In addition, the team answered a range of questions from the community. One user asked about the ability to have a weather radar to which the team said they are unable to right now due to a limitation of the SDK. However, when the team get the tools, they’ll try to create an accurate rendition of the system. FlyByWire were also asked whether other models from the A320 family would come to fruition. They said that there are variants planned, but that the team will need to have the MSFS2Blender2MSFS module completed first.
A series of other videos in the video series also highlighted the electrical system, custom LNAV and new engine modelling for the A32NX.
As always, we’ll continue to follow progress on the modification for the default A32N in Microsoft Flight Simulator and the upcoming A380X.