FSExpo 2024

FliteSim.com to Release Modular Force Feedback Yoke and Flight Consoles, 737-800 Style Yoke Demoed at FlightSimExpo 2024

A new way to control your simulator will be coming soon.

FliteSim.com to Release Modular Force Feedback Yoke and Flight Consoles, 737-800 Style Yoke Demoed at FlightSimExpo 2024
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A hardware manufacturer in Singapore called FliteSim.com has announced its brand-new range of modular and affordable force feedback yokes and flight consoles. The CLS-60 and CLS-120 force feedback yokes from Flitesim.com are described to represent a “leap forward in the flight simulation industry,” thanks to their authentic design and realistic force feedback.

The force feedback yokes are designed in a modular way, meaning you can upgrade its 60 Newton motor to a 120 Newton motor by simply swapping a handful of parts. The force feedback yokes will mean you will be able to feel subtle changes in control forces. Pitch and roll forces can be customised to each aircraft, thanks to the built-in software.

“We are thrilled to introduce this new range of force feedback yokes and flight consoles to
the flight simulator community,”
said Fabian Lim, Founder at FliteSim.com. “Our goal was
to create products that not only meet the high standards of realism and durability that flight sim enthusiasts demand but also remain affordable and accessible. We believe this new range
of force feedback devices and flight consoles will revolutionise the home flight simulation

Flight Controls – FC-50 and FC-100

In addition to the force feedback yokes, FliteSim.com is also showcasing their FC-50 and FC-100 flight consoles. The FC-50 is a sing-engine flight console that includes switches for lights, power, flaps, and also has throttle, mixture and propeller controls. The FC-100 variant is for multi-engine controls. Both pair with the force feedback yokes.


You can pre-order either the force feedback yokes or the flight consoles via FliteSim.com’s IndieGoGo page. Shipping is expected to start from July 2024.

Hands-on at FlightSimExpo 2024

Excitingly, a Boeing 737-800NG Boeing-style flight yoke is being revealed for the first time at FlightSimExpo 2024. FSElite will be sure to check it out and we’ll deliver you our hands-on impressions during the show.

You will be able to find Flitesim.com at booth #307 during the weekend.

More From:   FliteSim.com
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Calum Martin
Calum has been an avid fan of Flight Sim since the release of FS2000 and has developed his love for aviation ever since.

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