FSExpo 2024

FlightSimExpo 2025 to be Held in Providence, RI

FlightSimExpo 2025 location revealed.

FlightSimExpo 2025 to be Held in Providence, RI
Pimax proudly sponsors FSElite's FlightSimExpo 2024 content. Learn about the Pimax Crystal right now and how you can elevate your VR experience in flight simulation. Click here to learn more!

Wrapping up FlightSimExpo 2024, organiser Evan Reiter took to the stage once more. Not only to bring FSExpo 24 to an official close, but also to announce the location for FSExpo 25. Rumours and speculation have been going around the show floor after Friday’s teaser video, with the most prevalent one being Boston for the location.

Starting his presentation, Evan thanked the volunteers involved with FSExpo, helping to make it possible in the first place. He then quickly moved on to the main topic: the location of next year’s FSExpo.

Evan explained the reasoning behind finding locations for FSExpo in the first place, and what factors play in to this. These factors include the costs for attendees and exhibitors, as well as the ease of travel. He explained how the ticket price per night is a big limiting factor for attendee’s in deciding the location for events this size. This was followed by an explanation about the timing (end of June) of the event.

Finally, Evan shared that FSExpo 2025 will take place on June 27-29 in Providence at the Rhode Island Convention Center. This location fulfils all of the requirements and constraints that Evan previously mentioned. He also stated that Providence are very keen to host FSExpo next year.

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