Flightbeam/iBlueYonder Portland XP Now Available

The conversion of the Prepar3D v4 version of Flightbeam / iBlueYonder’s Portland is now available for X-Plane 11. Portland Airport is the largest in the state of Oregon and one of the major hubs in…

Flightbeam/iBlueYonder Portland XP Now Available

The conversion of the Prepar3D v4 version of Flightbeam / iBlueYonder’s Portland is now available for X-Plane 11.

Portland Airport is the largest in the state of Oregon and one of the major hubs in the Pacific Northwest serving all major US carriers and international airlines.

The airport, developed by Bill Womack of iBlueYonder, features a huge amount of ortho imagery, hand-crafted textures and modelling in and around the airport along with a range of smaller details to scout out in the airport area. The airport also features SAM jetways and marshallers at all gates, PBR, dynamic vehicle animations and more.

You can purchase Portland for X-Plane 11 from Flightbeam’s website for a price of $29.99 (Excl. VAT).


  • Large orthophoto area covering the airport grounds
  • Hand-crafted models and textures based on extensive photography
  • Custom dynamic jetways powered by Scenery Animation Manager (SAM)
  • SAM marshallers at all gates
  • The new Atlantic Aviation FBO with SAM-powered opening hangar doors
  • Dynamic vehicle animations, including the Tri-Met Max light rail
  • X-Plane PBR materials
  • Detailed multi-layered custom ground poly
  • Local businesses such as Cascade Station shopping area
  • High-Definition textures for maximum sharpness and fidelity
  • A new version of the Flightbeam Manager utility specifically designed for X-Plane
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Calum Martin
Calum has been an avid fan of Flight Sim since the release of FS2000 and has developed his love for aviation ever since.
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