FSExpo 2024

BlueBird Simulations Announces Boeing 757 for MSFS

BlueBird Simulations has announced their first project, the Boeing 757 for MSFS.

BlueBird Simulations Announces Boeing 757 for MSFS

The aircraft is still in the early stages of development and JustFlight will be assisting with the project. Even though systems development has just started, BlueBird has noted the 757 will be a “mid-level complexity aircraft which will be more complex than the default airliners.” From a system’s perspective, the 757 will be a significant jump forward while still making the 757 accessible to simmers of all skill levels. More exact information on system depth will be released at a later date. An authentic Boeing 757 flight deck experience is the goal.

On the flight model side of development, the team noted a real world Boeing 757 pilot will assist in making sure the flight model is as real as possible. Moving over to the exterior, the modeling is being completed by just two individuals with decades of experience. Using hundreds of pictures, documents, and pure talent, BlueBird is confident the exterior modeling of the 757 will be superb. Included with the 757-200 will be the less popular 757-300. No information was given if they will be released together or as a separate expansion.

While the aircraft is relatively in an early stage of development, BlueBird is looking to release the 757 in the first half of 2023. No indication of pricing was disclosed. Stay tuned to FSElite for more information on the Boeing 757 as it becomes available!

More From:   BlueBird Simulations
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Daniel Wasinski
My love for everything flightsim started back on FSX in 2007. I can be found flying the 737 almost every night all over the US on Volanta!

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