A few days after releasing their Augusto C. Sandino Airport (MNMG), Sierrasim is at it again with a representation of Palonegro International Airport (SKBG) in Colombia for FSX and P3D. The scenery features an extensive ground texture work based on aerial images, the modelling of all the airport buildings, the use of dynamic lighting, 3D grass and a specific autogen. Considering the nature of the terrain surrounding the airport, it is important that a good mesh is used with it. Sierrasim hence designed their rendition to be used with FreemeshX, but it is also very likely to be compatible with other 3rd party mesh in the area. The scenery was also designed with in mind a full integration with Orbx Vectors as well as OpenLC South America.
Located on a plateau overlooking the city of Bucaramanga, the Palonegro International Airport was opened in 1974. It bears a 7,000ft / 2,200m runway. A major gateway to the area, it sees about 80 daily flights with about 1.7 million passengers annually. As many airports in Colombia, the approach is made difficult by the surrounding terrain and the elevation.
The Sierrasim Palonegro International Airport (SKBG) is available on Simmarket for €15.
Feature List
- Photo-realistic ground textures based on aerial images
- Real Autogen
- Photo-realistic textures for buildings, vehicles, etc.
- Airport Objects
- Optimised for good performance
- Compatible with Orbx, Vector, Freemesh
- 3D grass
- GSX Level 2 ready.
- Dynamic Lights (P3DV4 only)
- Airport Configurator (Default Jetways or Sode GSXL2 Jetways)
- Platforms and taxiways updated, update of runway markings 17
Thanks to Zachary Kerr for the tip-off.