Freeware Utility RealAcars in Open Beta
Take your flight simulation to the next level with this freeware ACARS addon.
X-Plane 12.1.2 “Caribbean” Beta Update Now Available
Laminar keeps the Beta’s coming, now with boats!
X-Plane 12.1.0 Public Beta Now Available
The new version of X-Plane 12 is now out for everyone to try and use.
PMDG 777 for MSFS Enters Beta Testing
PMDG’s long-haul workhorse might be closer than we’ve thought so far.
Fenix Simulations Open Applications for Beta Testers
Fenix seek 100-150 beta testers for their A32X series of aircraft addons.
EagleSoft Citation XLS+ Enters Beta Testing
In a short statement over on the Avsim forums, developer EagleSoft has announced that their…
Fly the Maddog X for MSFS Is Progressing Nicely; New Previews and Details
A detailed look at how the Fly the Maddog X will look and fly in…
Fenix A320 Entering Beta; New Sound Preview Video
Hear the Fenix A320 for the first time as it enters beta.
Pre-Release Testing for Microsoft Flight Simulator SU7 Update Now Ready
A new update addressing issues from Sim Update 7 is in the works and the…
FS2Crew Pushback Express New Public Beta Made Available
A new update to Pushback Express by FS2Crew adds VR support and more.
FlightFactor Updates the FFA320 Beta
FlightFactor continues to deliver on the promise of updating their A320 on X-Plane 11. The…