On FSDeveloper a user by the name of ZIM Scenery posted pictures of their new Tokyo Narita scenery for Prepar3D V4. This is ZIM Scenery’s first project and it’s already looking very professional. ZIM Scenery hopes to have the project finished within a year, there was no word given if Narita will be payware or freeware scenery.
Not much information was given in the post, however, the airport features custom ground polys, PBR ground textures, and custom objects on both the airport and the surrounding area. Numerous pictures also showcase the custom mesh for the airport, many tunnels for roadways can be seen going under taxiways and runways. The only building showcased is a hangar for ANA, the texturing looks superb and PBR material appears to be used. Be sure to check FSElite every day for the latest flight sim news and more previews of Narita when they are available!